All posts by Allard van Grafhorst


Edo’s S2000 – Wide & fast!

The Honda S2000 is a roadster equipped with a powerful 2.0 liter VTEC engine. Some would say this is the perfect car for a road trip to the Alps. Then there are also people who want to make it in to a racecar. In that particular case we are talking about Edo. In the past years he collected a lot of parts to make his S2000 in to a track weapon. Special car, special location. My friend Georgi lead us to this awesome skatepark underneath the highway ‘A9′ near Amsterdam and it gave us some pretty cool pictures.

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Loving the Kanjo lifestyle

It’s funny how fast the world has become increasingly smaller with the rise of the world wide web. The last few years have been a feast for everyone and everything with an interest in the Japanese car scene, which of course is a good thing!
The famous Kanjo racers for example have been causing havoc on the famous Osaka Loop since the eighties but now anybody with an interest in these crazy guys and their crazy (mostly) Civic’s finds that the interwebs is a neverending source of inspiration! Continue reading


WNGN 2K16 – The Fast and the Freezing

Aaaah, Springtime! Days are getting longer, nature is blooming and the meeting season starts again. Time for the Warriors to organise WNGN 2K16 on what would hopefully be a sunny springday at the end of April. Well… we’ve had some sunshine but to be honest, we’ve had snow, hail, rain, the lot!  Continue reading


A truly clean thirteen

Clean. A term widely used in the global tuning scene to state how well built a car is. But what does the dictionary state about the word clean?
Clean (klēn)
adj. clean·er, clean·est
1. Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled: a clean car; clean clothes.
4. Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or even: a clean edge; a smooth, clean joint. Continue reading


2015 – Broken resolutions, life changing decisions and brilliant memories

It’s funny sometimes how fast time flies by. It feels like only a couple of months since I wrote my 2014 recap, but it’s already been a year! If you read that recap then you’ll know that I finished with a resolution for 2015; Take the plunge and move to Japan.  Well, sometimes things don’t exactly go according to plan, but I’d have to say that it’s not necessarily a bad thing because in 2015 – despite a few broken resolutions – I took some life changing decisions and made some brilliant memories. Continue reading


I love the eighties!

Aaaah yes! The eigthies. The Teenage mutant ninja turtles were created. The Dutch football team actually won something. I was born (1983). Miami Vice. The Berlin wall fell. Punkrock. The golden age of graffiti. Akira. Jan Lammers wins the 24H of LeMans. Back to the future. Skateboarding. U2. MTV still broadcasted actual music videos. The A-team. Walkmans were cool. GI Joe. Cindy Crawford was my first crush when I was five. Last, but certainly not least, my first car (an AW11 MR2) rolled out of the factory! Oh, and it was the decade of boxy, Japanese, four-door saloons. Continue reading


W.W. End of year 2K15. A turn for the best!

There are times in life when you need a change of scenery, a new job, a new house or a new car. Most of the time changes are good, but sometimes things can take a turn for the worse. You lose your job, or your house burns down, or your car gets stolen… Or, in our case, the venue in Oosterhout for the W.W. end of year 2K15 event wasn’t available at the date we’d set for the 22nd of November. But sometimes when everything seems lost, things take a turn for the best!
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A day with the Warriors – WW drive & dine

It’s easy enough to criticize people, events, politicians and whatnot, especially with all these internet kids nowadays who know it all but have never lifted a finger in their lives! If you’ve read my articles, especially my event coverages, you know that I like to speak my mind and I’m blessed with the fact that I can voice said opinion through Wangan Warriors. But like I said, to criticize something is easy – to do something about is something else! So after another lame, half arsed, sloppy organized cruise I attended with my best bud Jack, we decided to take matters in our own hands. If you want something done…
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Love to be hated

I’m going to start with an apology. Why? Well, It took me two years to shoot this feature. Two. Years. It all started at DMPD 2013 because that’s where I met Alex Gut and his BNR32 for the first time. I knew straight away that I just had to do a proper shoot with his car. The wheels, the stance, the fact that Alex was a really nice guy from the get go. So Alex, I’m sorry I didn’t shoot it sooner buddy! Continue reading