
Project Rockin’ Roadster still rocks

Slow projects are still projects. In fact, slow projects are probably the builds with most passion if you ask me. If you’re able to keep a car in your posession without giving in to the temptation of selling all your parts or maybe even the entire car, you’re the right person for that project. I’m talking about Rockin’ Roadster. We’ve given you a couple updates in the past about the progress so I figured is was about time to let you know the latest state of affairs. Continue reading


Warriors Ride: Rob’s S15 Spec S

Sometimes it takes a great deal of courage to take a leap of faith into the unknown. We all take those steps at some point in life and some are more drastic than others. It’s no secret for the average petrolhead that such leaps are business as usual when you’re building a car. Spending your savings on parts, taking the gamble of importing a car, buying an engine from a stranger – all of these things take some courage to go through in my opinion. Continue reading


Rockin Roadster: What’s the status

Let’s see if you remember this post I wrote earlier this year. Rockin’ Roadster has been making good progress and I thought it was time for you guys to hear about the status. Our very own Allard has been working hard on his project together with a bunch of friends. The last time I told you about Rockin’ Roadster, it was simply an introduction of the project and the car was basically being dismantled and assessed to discover which parts were reusable or not. Continue reading


Feature – Kevins FC3S Revisited

Historically, the colour red has always been a conduit for emotion. It can convey both love and anger, it is strong but not overpowering, bold but not over the top. Brands like Ferrari have used the color red, or Rosso Corsa as it’s called, to enhance their brand and evoke emotion from the onlookers. Mazda introduced their shade in the middle 80’s called Classic Red and it is still one of the first things that crosses your mind when you think about Mazda in that era. That and their awesome RWD sportcars that were often powered by magic triangles. Continue reading


Work in progress: Rockin’ Roadster

Rockin’ Roadster, the latest Wangan Warriors project is born and will be built by our very own passionate Allard van Grafhorst. Let’s just say although this project is in its early hours, I can tell you first hand that it will kick ass! The good people at I.L. Motorsport provided Allard with an old MX5 shell which must be the best Christmas present a gearhead can get. Last Saturday I decided to pay Allard a visit at his family’s workshop and see what he was up to. Continue reading


Introducing Daniël’s Aristo: I was born on a mountainside

Allow me to introduce our newest Wangan Warriors member, Daniël Waare and his Toyota Aristo. If I recall correctly it was Super Sunday 2011 at the Zandvoort circuit when I first laid eyes on this impressive piece of machinery. At that time I had no idea how his project would evolve or who the owner was. In fact, Daniël, were you the owner back then? Nonetheless we are absolutely honoured and pleased with his presence in our cosy car club. I wanted to take everybody through a little journey from my first acquaintance with Daniël until the fun moments we already had in the past few months. Continue reading


Feature: Portrait of a Warrior

Where to begin with this story? Well at the very beginning I suppose. Noud and Kay have been best friends since highschool and practically grew up together. They’ve never lost contact and about six years ago they got attracted to Japanese car culture and both bought a Nissan 200sx. After some time Kay decided to sell the Silvia and bought an EK3 Vtec-e Civic. At that moment they had the idea to start a little club together called Wangan Warriors. Back then it was nothing more than a sticker on both their windshields but that is where it all started. There are the roots of Wangan Warriors. Noud never sold his s-body but together with his Warriors he rebuilt it to the wide piece of art it is today. Continue reading