
24’s are coming…

We’ve been preparing for another season of madness. 24 hour races are high on our prioritylist to shoot these last couple of years and we’ve got a couple scheduled again so we’re hoping for some nice content in the coming months. Here’s a selection of shots from our Total 24H of Spa 2017 converage! Continue reading


Nürburgring Drift Cup and the love for drifting

One week from now, around the time of writing, on monday the 6th of april, the winner of the first round of the Nürburgring Drift Cup 2015 is crowned. With so little time left for the kickoff of my 2015 automotive season I decided to reflect a bit on the 2014 championship, because by now it shouldn’t be a surprise that the NDC and drifting in particular are meaning something to me.
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European GT-R Days presentation

We like new things right? We love to get suprised and we like to be spoiled with gifts but we can also look forward to something like a concert of your favourite band or a new movie that’s coming out. I’m happy to introduce something new as well and it’s something for Nissan GT-R owners to look forward to with quite some excitement. The European GT-R Days is a newly set up track event which will be held in 2015. It’s an initiative by Custom Import Arts, HKS, Ecutec and event organization agency Eybis. Continue reading


Announcement: Content overload!

As we’re planning new stuff and working our way through some of the content that’s coming, we have a few announcements to make so you readers know what the hell is coming to you from Wangan Warriors HQ. There is a lot going on this weekend and I’d like to give you a little taste of who’s doing what, when and where. Our very own Allard is covering the NSX Club Europe Tour and will be visiting a handful of amazing places. Continue reading


Let’s do this WNGN-thing

It always surprises me when a group of people is capable to achieve something they set out to achieve. As the preparations of #WNGN are in full swing I’m starting to realize how far we came with something what once was a little car club of only a hand full of people. Of course we have a great group of supporters surrounding our club and the entire scene backing us up at all times. Knowing this, we were confident to host a big event. But let me tell you, it’s getting bigger than we’ve ever dreamed of! Last week we organised a litte promotion meeting to do some photoshoots and filming to promote the event. This was a great succes and we had a lot of fun so what kind of blogger would I be not to share those experiences with you nice folks. Continue reading


#WNGN is coming

Allow me to tell a little story about how we ended up organising a big event like WNGN. It crossed everyone’s minds before to host a big event with Wangan Warriors. We’ve even made plans in the past and worked out ideas to host something bigger than our regular meets. After teaming up with the organisation of DMPD and hosting Wangan meets which were visited by hundreds of people, it was about time to start organising the biggest Japanese static car event possible. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting one of our meets you’ll probably think you have an idea what to expect but let me tell you that we’re aiming higher than your expectations! Continue reading

Wangan Warriors 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see our website went through a pretty substantial facelift. We thought it was time to change things up a little bit with our blog. Continue reading


Introduction: Out of bad comes good.

Before I explain what that cryptic title is all about, let me tell you something about myself first. My name’s Maurice Bergers, 26 years old and I live in Schiedam, a town right next to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. As many if not all of you here, I have an almost unhealthy fascination with things powered by combustion engines, whether it be on two wheels or four. Continue reading