
WNGN Guests: Lukas Weißer

Hey there. Assuming barely anyone on here knows me, let me introduce myself. I am Lukas, 27, from a small village near Bonn, Germany. First let me disappoint some of you by telling you that I am not the typical „car guy“ as many of you would expect me to be. I do not hang out with that many tuning guys and gals and rarely attend car meets or stuff like that. But don´t worry, my heart is fueled by gasoline. Motorsport is what gets me going. The love started early and having the Nürburgring 45km away helps a lot to keep the fire burning. At one of my visits to the eifel-forests I brought my mum’s cam. Not to actually „shoot racing“ but to capture what I was seeing as personal memories. From that point on the whole photography thing got a little out of hand and developed into what I am doing today. Continue reading


Off to new beginnings

If I would rewind twelve months back right now I would find myself walking on an icy Nürburgring shooting for a passion project I’ve been working on for over three years now. I was a little unsure about the future because I had just lost my regular day job and I didn’t have an outlook on something new. Pretty scary to be honest but little did I know it was the start of a new chapter for me. Continue reading


Mimms Honda Day 2015 – End of season finale

During a lazy weeknight, I was browsing on Facebook wasting some time when I saw a message from a buddy of mine who was looking for a co-driver to join him on a trip to Mimms. It caught my attention, I’ve never been to England before and I was curious to see this event and also to see how the UK scene compares to the Netherlands. I had over 25 days of holiday left from work to spare, so I said to myself “Why the hell not?!”. We cruised down to Duinkerke to get the boat to Dover, it was a crazy moment when coming to the French border with the current police and military presence. They stood there with automatic guns after all the drama which has unfortunately unfolded during the past few weeks. Continue reading


W.W. End of year 2K15. A turn for the best!

There are times in life when you need a change of scenery, a new job, a new house or a new car. Most of the time changes are good, but sometimes things can take a turn for the worse. You lose your job, or your house burns down, or your car gets stolen… Or, in our case, the venue in Oosterhout for the W.W. end of year 2K15 event wasn’t available at the date we’d set for the 22nd of November. But sometimes when everything seems lost, things take a turn for the best!
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The art of Zolder

There are many racetracks that leave a lasting impression on you after only visiting the place just once. I’m going to be honest with you, a good three years ago I didn’t feel these immediate admirations for the Circuit Zolder in Belgium. I never considered it a bad or boring track, but it just never left a lasting impression on me. However, during the weekend of the 24h race of Zolder, my vision and opinion of it turned 180 degrees – I think I just might love this track now! Continue reading


A day with the Warriors – WW drive & dine

It’s easy enough to criticize people, events, politicians and whatnot, especially with all these internet kids nowadays who know it all but have never lifted a finger in their lives! If you’ve read my articles, especially my event coverages, you know that I like to speak my mind and I’m blessed with the fact that I can voice said opinion through Wangan Warriors. But like I said, to criticize something is easy – to do something about is something else! So after another lame, half arsed, sloppy organized cruise I attended with my best bud Jack, we decided to take matters in our own hands. If you want something done…
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