Tag Archives: cusco


Edo’s S2000 – Wide & fast!

The Honda S2000 is a roadster equipped with a powerful 2.0 liter VTEC engine. Some would say this is the perfect car for a road trip to the Alps. Then there are also people who want to make it in to a racecar. In that particular case we are talking about Edo. In the past years he collected a lot of parts to make his S2000 in to a track weapon. Special car, special location. My friend Georgi lead us to this awesome skatepark underneath the highway ‘A9′ near Amsterdam and it gave us some pretty cool pictures.

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Kenneth’s widebody S2000 – Screaming Vtec

Sometimes you meet people in your life and you just know you are going to be friends for a very long time. Almost 10 years ago I met Kenneth, we were both into the casemodding scene and liked to play shooting games. We got older and we started to like cars. After owning a Honda Civic and a Del Sol, he bought a S2000 and modified it quite a bit.
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