Tag Archives: Datsun


Japanese Performance Show

Japanese Performance Show is a new concept in the UK. Not that it’s the first Japanese show, nor is it the first performance show but it’s a new direction of car show events because it’s the very first Japanese Performance Show with an indoor venue. Stijn and myself decided to do a trip to the UK to see what this event was all about. What made us try out a new event which was held for the very first time at a location we didn’t know and pretty far from our home? Was it worth the trip? I hope you’ll read further either way but I’ll give you the answer to that question right now. It was absolutely 100% worth making the trip to the UK for the JPShow2016. Continue reading


Postcard from Japan

What better place to get a postcard from than Japan right? Our club member Paul has made the trip to the land of the rising sun and was kind enough to send us a couple photos. We’ll try and get a little travel report for you guys by the time Paul is back but for now you’ll have to do it with these pictures from the famous Star Road workshop. Continue reading


Purity of the 260Z

Say what you want, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a classic like the 260Z Datsun being threated well and given a personal style. There is some true dedication, motivation and liveliness needed to rebuild a car from scratch and revise or renew every single part possible. I never had such sense of discipline for a car and that might sound weird from a (mainly) automotive photographer, but I’d rather capture other builders craftmanship. Continue reading


Holy Datsun

Every once in a while we come across amazing projects, projects which we usually don’t find very easily but I have the feeling that this has changed. Lately it seems we’re on top of things and we’re bringing you some of the most exclusive stuff we’ve ever shot; don’t you agree? Well it’s indeed quite easy for me to say, because I know what our bloggers are up to in the coming weeks and months. With Allard covering the immaculate S14 in the Raising The Bar series and the masterly Soarer of Albin Droogsma, I’m happy to follow that up with something we don’t see every day either. And no, this is not the last of it because our very own Alex will share some grandiose work as well. Just sit tight! Continue reading


Events: DMPD, amazing as always

Another event, another success. DMPD seems to make a name for itself when it comes to organising high quality automotive events. But let me rephrase automotive event in this case because the DMPD show was a lot more than just an automotive show. It’s about the people, the scene, the lifestyle and respect. After last years succes it was expected to be held again this year although the rumours were that it was a one-time only event. Luckily the organisation decided to persue with DMPD, it was predetermined to be. Continue reading


Events: DUMPd is coming for you!

Let me put my cards on the table from the get go; as far as I’m concerned DUMPd 2013 will bring a change to the Dutch car scene in a way we’ve never witnessed before. The reason for that thought is because now I realize how serious and professional the organisation is approaching it from a very early start and the large movement it creates. There is happening more than you’ll probably expect and know, but know this: DUMPD will be remembered. Continue reading