Tag Archives: DMPD


I love the eighties!

Aaaah yes! The eigthies. The Teenage mutant ninja turtles were created. The Dutch football team actually won something. I was born (1983). Miami Vice. The Berlin wall fell. Punkrock. The golden age of graffiti. Akira. Jan Lammers wins the 24H of LeMans. Back to the future. Skateboarding. U2. MTV still broadcasted actual music videos. The A-team. Walkmans were cool. GI Joe. Cindy Crawford was my first crush when I was five. Last, but certainly not least, my first car (an AW11 MR2) rolled out of the factory! Oh, and it was the decade of boxy, Japanese, four-door saloons. Continue reading


DMPD 2015. It’s all about the good times!

If you’ve been following us over the years than you know we’re big fans of the DMPD concept. It all started back in 2012 at the Enka Factory but after two hugely successful events that location was no longer an option thanks to greedy property developers. There have been a few “smaller” events since 2013, like DMPD Chill & Grill and DMPD finest last year but still, the fact that there was no main event in 2014 left a gaping hole in hearts and minds all across Europe. It was a deliberate choice though because Inne and Michiel wanted to come back with a bang in 2015!
And boy… did they succeed! Continue reading


My 2014 – Steady as she goes

Another year gone. Another year hunting for speed, shooting cars, events and friends.  A year that hasn’t been spectacular but a year that can’t be described as dull either. A year without trips across the globe but with a few “small” trips across Europe. A year where I tried to stretch my legs a bit more when it comes to photography. A year that has been somewhat of an eye-opener. So allow me to show you my favorite photo’s and moments from 2014 and follow me as I take you on a rather personal side of my year journey. Continue reading


Twenty Fourteen: My moments

Twenty fourteen is over. It became somewhat of a tradition for us to revise the year and look back at some of our adventures and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. It’s actually been a busy twelve months for me and thinking back there is a lot to talk about. I traveled to some amazing places in Europe and met a lot of new people. It’s weird to think how fast time has passed because some events, trips or photoshoots just feel like yesterday. Luckily there are lots of good memories to talk about so let’s get started! Continue reading


DMPD Finest Finest

We as human beings all have our own preference – some like it hot, others like it cold. Some like bacon, others are vegetarian. Some like it stanced, others like it functional. Me? I like my bacon hot, but when it comes to cars I really like most of the sub-cultures within the automotive community, something that reflects on the DMPD events as well as you can see here and here, so allow me to show you some of DMPD finest finest! Continue reading


Dare to be different: Murat’s Mazda RX7 FD

As I started writing the story about this Mazda, a couple of questions went through my mind. Why are some people so deeply in love with cars? Does the technology make our hearts beat faster? Did the initial impression of a certain make or model win our souls forever? Is it because we identify ourselves through some form of materialism? Or are we just funny creatures who don’t know better because everybody around us are petrolheads through and through? For me it started with a general interest for the automotive world when my friends started a car club called Wangan Warriors. My interest became both passion and love from the moment I started to capture other peoples stories with a little black box called a camera. From that point, my heart actually did beat faster when I encountered something exciting or experienced something unreal. Continue reading


Aaron’s delightful EK4

It’s time for the general Honda Civic owner to pay attention here for a few minutes. Keep in mind that I can’t guarantee that there won’t be any form of jealousy generated by looking at this EK4 because I’m about to showcase a beauty. We already knew that the British scene has some absolute showstoppers to offer and I can only point out that I’m happy that so many of them decide to cross the puddle to visit our events. I’ve been following this EK since we covered Hondafest earlier this year and contacted the owner so that we could do a photoshoot the next time we meet. Continue reading


DMPD Finest: A perfect weekend

DMPD. An organization that by now is well known within the European car community for presenting some of the finest car shows one can attend. DMPD is a synonym for perfection and exclusivity, and yet also for a laid back atmosphere, hanging with your mates and enjoying that what we all love so dear; Cars.
There was a shockwave of disappointment when the announcement was made that there would be no DMDP main event this year. Fortunately for us there was still one DMPD event on the calendar; DMPD Finest! Continue reading


DMPD Finest: From ghost town to paradise

Imagine this for a second: You’re living in a village which is almost completely abandonded and left to dilapidate by your governement for many years. You’ve been living there most of your life, if not your entire life and you’re being forced in all kinds of ways to leave your home because of an industrial plan which will affect your village in a way you don’t want – demolition. This is exactly the case with a small place called Doel. Doel is an East Flemish village situated on the leftbank of the Schelde river just outside the harbour of Antwerp in Belgium. Continue reading