Tag Archives: GT-R


Love to be hated

I’m going to start with an apology. Why? Well, It took me two years to shoot this feature. Two. Years. It all started at DMPD 2013 because that’s where I met Alex Gut and his BNR32 for the first time. I knew straight away that I just had to do a proper shoot with his car. The wheels, the stance, the fact that Alex was a really nice guy from the get go. So Alex, I’m sorry I didn’t shoot it sooner buddy! Continue reading


Dutch Wangan Weaponry – A menacing BCNR33

The Wangan. The Bayshore route. The C1 loop. That one stretch of tarmac that pushes the imagination of those who’ve never been there to its limits. A piece of highway where legends are born and boundaries only exist to be broken. People often ask us why we call ourself Wangan Warriors. Well, see it as an homage to that legendary piece of road in Tokyo because let’s be honest. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, the real 湾岸 is that stretch of black gold in downtown 東京! Continue reading


Spotting sushi in the Big Apple

New York. The Big Apple. The American dream in the flesh. A trip to this city has been in the top 10 of my bucket list for a long, long time. But it has been in the top 3 of my sisters bucket list even longer! So when I turned thirty last July, she decided it was time to take the plunge and buy us some tickets for my birthday.  It was supposed to be a car free holiday but hey… You know me!  Continue reading