Tag Archives: Motorsport


WNGN Guests: Words from Barbados

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. What better way to pick up the pace with content again by starting with a WNGN guest feature from the Caribbean. Get ready for Carnival, palmtrees and Piña Coladas. Take it away Alexandre!

Hey everyone! My name is Alexandre​ ​Haynes​, and I’m a Photographer​ ​from Sleeper Forest, a blog about Caribbean Car Culture. Take some time to go look it up, I promise it won’t disappoint you. I am from a tiny island in the Caribbean, called Barbados. Continue reading


The 24H battle of Spa

The biggest benefit of being a photographer is that we visit places or see certain events happen that we would not experience otherwise. I mean, most of the time we’re at the frontline of important issues or happenings because we’re the ones to register it all on our memory cards. However, I’m happy that I don’t concider myself as a photographer who just registers. I always try to take in all there is to absorb and experience because you’ll never know if you will live through it ever again. Continue reading