Tag Archives: Photography


N24 2018: The 24 finest

Now we can write a report about N24 about who won what at which stage by which driver during what risky overtake but I know that there are plenty of motorsport news reporters who have done that before us and possibly better than we would if we tried now. Wangan Warriors still consists of a group of car enthousiasts with a couple of passionate photographers among them and I’d like to show that I’m one of those. Continue reading


WNGN Guests: Lukas Weißer

Hey there. Assuming barely anyone on here knows me, let me introduce myself. I am Lukas, 27, from a small village near Bonn, Germany. First let me disappoint some of you by telling you that I am not the typical „car guy“ as many of you would expect me to be. I do not hang out with that many tuning guys and gals and rarely attend car meets or stuff like that. But don´t worry, my heart is fueled by gasoline. Motorsport is what gets me going. The love started early and having the Nürburgring 45km away helps a lot to keep the fire burning. At one of my visits to the eifel-forests I brought my mum’s cam. Not to actually „shoot racing“ but to capture what I was seeing as personal memories. From that point on the whole photography thing got a little out of hand and developed into what I am doing today. Continue reading


WNGN Guests: Benny Maxwell | Axesent Creations

WNGN Guests is a series of guest articles from talented photographers who deserve some attention on Wangan Warriors. Benny Maxwell is a digital artist from Australia and now based in Japan. He has some fantastic digital artwork to share with us. Take it away Benny!

Hey, peoples. My name is Benny Maxwell, otherwise known as Axesent in the digital illustration world. I’m a 38 year old Australian Digital Artist / Mechanic, now based in Japan.
My love of cars began as far as my memory goes back. My father ran a large workshop in Launceston Tasmania, and as a child I would spend most of my free time riding BMX and annoying mechanics who worked there. So I spent my early years surrounded by cars and I had a keen interest in them, and how they worked. Continue reading


WNGN Guests: Taylor Wright

WNGN Guests is a series of guest articles from talented photographers who deserve some attention on Wangan Warriors. Today we’re crossing multiple oceans to find the next talent who will tell us about his adventures in Australia, Japan and the US. Go for it, Taylor!

Hey guys, my name is Taylor Wright and I’m 21 years old from Australia. I run Brokenimage.com.au shooting photos and videos in Australia and around the world, and I can’t get enough of travelling and meeting interesting people! Continue reading


WNGN Guests: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

WNGN Guests will be a series of guest articles from talented photographers who deserve some attention on Wangan Warriors. Next up we have Swedish photographer Arslan Golić who tells us about his vision on photography!
Photography is an interesting visual media. Depending on whom you ask about photography, it’s a different answer all the time. Everyone is unique and therefore everybody has a unique view and definition of it, no matter whether you are a photographer or not. You consume visual information in different forms everyday and it’s a special medium in the way that you are the person who creates the story for yourself. I guess you have heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Continue reading


WNGN Guests: Dave Cox

WNGN Guests will be a series of guest articles from talented photographers who deserve some attention on Wangan Warriors. Dave Cox will kick off this series with some amazing work!
Hello Wangan Warriors! My name is Dave Cox, I am an Automotive CGI Artist (see image below) working in the heart of London, I have worked with clients such as Mazda, McLaren, Ford, Nissan, Nismo, Datsun and Infiniti. In my spare time, I like to take photos, I currently shoot for Fueltopia. CGI takes a long time to set up and create an image so photography is a more immediate way of realising images. I came to know Wangan Warriors through Bill who is a member of the media team. Continue reading


The Year Through My Lens

As I’m sat staring at a blank page wondering exactly where to start with explaining what this whole year has meant to me, it’s made my mind think way back to right where everything started. Why? Because this year has undoubtedly been a giant leap towards what I had hoped to achieve when I was sat in this same position exactly a year ago. I wasn’t writing an article for Wangan Warriors at that time, which is why I believe 2014 is where it truly started, and it’s been an absolute pleasure to come on-board with the team. It’s been a hectic one, no doubt – and for that reason I’d like to take the opportunity to not just talk about the craziness that has made this year, but also to go back and introduce myself properly as part of WW.
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My 2014 – Steady as she goes

Another year gone. Another year hunting for speed, shooting cars, events and friends.  A year that hasn’t been spectacular but a year that can’t be described as dull either. A year without trips across the globe but with a few “small” trips across Europe. A year where I tried to stretch my legs a bit more when it comes to photography. A year that has been somewhat of an eye-opener. So allow me to show you my favorite photo’s and moments from 2014 and follow me as I take you on a rather personal side of my year journey. Continue reading


Twenty Fourteen: My moments

Twenty fourteen is over. It became somewhat of a tradition for us to revise the year and look back at some of our adventures and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. It’s actually been a busy twelve months for me and thinking back there is a lot to talk about. I traveled to some amazing places in Europe and met a lot of new people. It’s weird to think how fast time has passed because some events, trips or photoshoots just feel like yesterday. Luckily there are lots of good memories to talk about so let’s get started! Continue reading