Tag Archives: r33


Dutch Wangan Weaponry – A menacing BCNR33

The Wangan. The Bayshore route. The C1 loop. That one stretch of tarmac that pushes the imagination of those who’ve never been there to its limits. A piece of highway where legends are born and boundaries only exist to be broken. People often ask us why we call ourself Wangan Warriors. Well, see it as an homage to that legendary piece of road in Tokyo because let’s be honest. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, the real 湾岸 is that stretch of black gold in downtown 東京! Continue reading


Orange is the new black

There are days when your sitting at home, watching some stupid series about a few women in prison who think they don’t belong there, orange is the new black or something, and all of a sudden you realize that you’re bored out of your mind. I mean, who watches that crap anyway?
So what do you do? In my case I posted a shout out on my FB page if anyone had something decent to shoot and the first to reaction was a clear one from Jeroen at DBM engineering. “You have my phone number, don’t be a p*ssy and call!”
Needless to say I made the call… Continue reading