If I would rewind twelve months back right now I would find myself walking on an icy Nürburgring shooting for a passion project I’ve been working on for over three years now. I was a little unsure about the future because I had just lost my regular day job and I didn’t have an outlook on something new. Pretty scary to be honest but little did I know it was the start of a new chapter for me. Continue reading
Tag Archives: recap
2015 – Broken resolutions, life changing decisions and brilliant memories
It’s funny sometimes how fast time flies by. It feels like only a couple of months since I wrote my 2014 recap, but it’s already been a year! If you read that recap then you’ll know that I finished with a resolution for 2015; Take the plunge and move to Japan. Well, sometimes things don’t exactly go according to plan, but I’d have to say that it’s not necessarily a bad thing because in 2015 – despite a few broken resolutions – I took some life changing decisions and made some brilliant memories. Continue reading
The Year Through My Lens
As I’m sat staring at a blank page wondering exactly where to start with explaining what this whole year has meant to me, it’s made my mind think way back to right where everything started. Why? Because this year has undoubtedly been a giant leap towards what I had hoped to achieve when I was sat in this same position exactly a year ago. I wasn’t writing an article for Wangan Warriors at that time, which is why I believe 2014 is where it truly started, and it’s been an absolute pleasure to come on-board with the team. It’s been a hectic one, no doubt – and for that reason I’d like to take the opportunity to not just talk about the craziness that has made this year, but also to go back and introduce myself properly as part of WW.
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My 2014 – Steady as she goes
Another year gone. Another year hunting for speed, shooting cars, events and friends. A year that hasn’t been spectacular but a year that can’t be described as dull either. A year without trips across the globe but with a few “small” trips across Europe. A year where I tried to stretch my legs a bit more when it comes to photography. A year that has been somewhat of an eye-opener. So allow me to show you my favorite photo’s and moments from 2014 and follow me as I take you on a rather personal side of my year journey. Continue reading
Twenty Fourteen: My moments
Twenty fourteen is over. It became somewhat of a tradition for us to revise the year and look back at some of our adventures and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. It’s actually been a busy twelve months for me and thinking back there is a lot to talk about. I traveled to some amazing places in Europe and met a lot of new people. It’s weird to think how fast time has passed because some events, trips or photoshoots just feel like yesterday. Luckily there are lots of good memories to talk about so let’s get started! Continue reading
2K13 captured
As each year is coming to an end I always have the feeling that I didn’t shoot enough, haven’t met so many new people and didn’t make the progress I was hoping for. I think I’m quite happy to say that this year was different. Different in many ways because a lot has changed over the past 12 months in every aspect of Wangan Warriors. Going through the material I’ve captured this year it made me realise how fast time went and how fast things changed. Continue reading