Tag Archives: Rens Adams


N24 2018: The 24 finest

Now we can write a report about N24 about who won what at which stage by which driver during what risky overtake but I know that there are plenty of motorsport news reporters who have done that before us and possibly better than we would if we tried now. Wangan Warriors still consists of a group of car enthousiasts with a couple of passionate photographers among them and I’d like to show that I’m one of those. Continue reading


NDC15: It has begun

NDC15 has officially kicked off with Round 1 of the Nürburgring Drift Cup and boy it was an interesting start of the season. The weeks before an event is always a little nerve-racking and especially when you’re visiting the German Eifel. I’m always hoping for nice weather and praying for some known teams to return to the Müllenbachschleife again. I was happily surprised that some of my favourite teams and drivers signed up again for the start of the Drift Cup and couldn’t wait to get out there. Continue reading


Twenty Fourteen: My moments

Twenty fourteen is over. It became somewhat of a tradition for us to revise the year and look back at some of our adventures and that’s exactly what I’m about to do. It’s actually been a busy twelve months for me and thinking back there is a lot to talk about. I traveled to some amazing places in Europe and met a lot of new people. It’s weird to think how fast time has passed because some events, trips or photoshoots just feel like yesterday. Luckily there are lots of good memories to talk about so let’s get started! Continue reading


DMPD Finest: From ghost town to paradise

Imagine this for a second: You’re living in a village which is almost completely abandonded and left to dilapidate by your governement for many years. You’ve been living there most of your life, if not your entire life and you’re being forced in all kinds of ways to leave your home because of an industrial plan which will affect your village in a way you don’t want – demolition. This is exactly the case with a small place called Doel. Doel is an East Flemish village situated on the leftbank of the Schelde river just outside the harbour of Antwerp in Belgium. Continue reading


Purity of the 260Z

Say what you want, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a classic like the 260Z Datsun being threated well and given a personal style. There is some true dedication, motivation and liveliness needed to rebuild a car from scratch and revise or renew every single part possible. I never had such sense of discipline for a car and that might sound weird from a (mainly) automotive photographer, but I’d rather capture other builders craftmanship. Continue reading


Let’s do this WNGN-thing

It always surprises me when a group of people is capable to achieve something they set out to achieve. As the preparations of #WNGN are in full swing I’m starting to realize how far we came with something what once was a little car club of only a hand full of people. Of course we have a great group of supporters surrounding our club and the entire scene backing us up at all times. Knowing this, we were confident to host a big event. But let me tell you, it’s getting bigger than we’ve ever dreamed of! Last week we organised a litte promotion meeting to do some photoshoots and filming to promote the event. This was a great succes and we had a lot of fun so what kind of blogger would I be not to share those experiences with you nice folks. Continue reading


#WNGN is coming

Allow me to tell a little story about how we ended up organising a big event like WNGN. It crossed everyone’s minds before to host a big event with Wangan Warriors. We’ve even made plans in the past and worked out ideas to host something bigger than our regular meets. After teaming up with the organisation of DMPD and hosting Wangan meets which were visited by hundreds of people, it was about time to start organising the biggest Japanese static car event possible. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting one of our meets you’ll probably think you have an idea what to expect but let me tell you that we’re aiming higher than your expectations! Continue reading


Art of the GT86

It’s easy to agree that us gearheads consider cars or car-projects as art. I myself am absolutely in love with the Toyota GT86 and fortunately I got to drive one myself the other day at Co-ordSport. In the same week I got to photograph one as well at our End of Year meet in Oosterhout and this was a photoshoot which has been on my to do list for some time now. I got in touch with the owner Gunther Lamberts and and agreed that I would spend some quality time with his Toyota at the meet. Continue reading


Events: European Time Attack Masters

Aside from a few track days I can’t really remember when I last attended Time Attack at Zandvoort but I can tell you one thing, it felt good to be out there again. I was amazed by how many teams from abroad made their way to the Dutch track in the dunes. When Wangan Warriors was invited to become mediapartner for the European Time Attack Masters I was pretty excited and started brainstorming with the crew about how we would approach the event and how we would cover it. Continue reading