The Honda S2000 is a roadster equipped with a powerful 2.0 liter VTEC engine. Some would say this is the perfect car for a road trip to the Alps. Then there are also people who want to make it in to a racecar. In that particular case we are talking about Edo. In the past years he collected a lot of parts to make his S2000 in to a track weapon. Special car, special location. My friend Georgi lead us to this awesome skatepark underneath the highway ‘A9′ near Amsterdam and it gave us some pretty cool pictures.
Tag Archives: roll cage
Project Rockin’ Roadster still rocks
Slow projects are still projects. In fact, slow projects are probably the builds with most passion if you ask me. If you’re able to keep a car in your posession without giving in to the temptation of selling all your parts or maybe even the entire car, you’re the right person for that project. I’m talking about Rockin’ Roadster. We’ve given you a couple updates in the past about the progress so I figured is was about time to let you know the latest state of affairs. Continue reading