Tag Archives: Show


The Geneva Motor Show: A guide for the first time visitor

1905 was the year the first Geneva Motor Show was hosted, attracting around 13.000 visitors. Since then this annual motor show has managed to grow considerably with visitor numbers passing the 700.000 mark (per edition) and establishing itself as one of the largest and most prestigious car shows in the world.
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#WNGN a done deal

Individually we can all be damn proud of where we came from whether you’ve worked hard to finish your project, traveled for hours to get to the event, support WNGN with your photography or video skills or inspire people with the style of your car. Collectively I believe we have one hell of an amazing Japanese car scene right now. If I look back to one of the very first meets Wangan Warriors organised, we’ve come a long way. None of that would be possible without so many loyal people surrounding us throughout the years. Continue reading