The Honda S2000 is a roadster equipped with a powerful 2.0 liter VTEC engine. Some would say this is the perfect car for a road trip to the Alps. Then there are also people who want to make it in to a racecar. In that particular case we are talking about Edo. In the past years he collected a lot of parts to make his S2000 in to a track weapon. Special car, special location. My friend Georgi lead us to this awesome skatepark underneath the highway ‘A9′ near Amsterdam and it gave us some pretty cool pictures.
Tag Archives: Takata
That Frozen White Subaru Impreza STI
In our previous article Allard wrote how the internet has made the world a smaller place and has brought car cultures from across the globe straight to our doorsteps.
Yet it’s funny how sometimes the people you meet over the internet happen to live much closer to you than you would have thought.
#WNGN – We’ve only just begun!
Evolution. Mother nature’s way of improving our humble blue planet. We started out as a microbe. The microbe evolved into a fish. The fish evolved into a reptile. The reptile evolved into monkey and the monkey evolved into a human being. The same thing can be applied to the automotive scene and in this case I’ll take our own meetings as an example because it’s a perfect example of automotive evolution at its best! Continue reading
#WNGN a done deal
Individually we can all be damn proud of where we came from whether you’ve worked hard to finish your project, traveled for hours to get to the event, support WNGN with your photography or video skills or inspire people with the style of your car. Collectively I believe we have one hell of an amazing Japanese car scene right now. If I look back to one of the very first meets Wangan Warriors organised, we’ve come a long way. None of that would be possible without so many loyal people surrounding us throughout the years. Continue reading
Let’s do this WNGN-thing
It always surprises me when a group of people is capable to achieve something they set out to achieve. As the preparations of #WNGN are in full swing I’m starting to realize how far we came with something what once was a little car club of only a hand full of people. Of course we have a great group of supporters surrounding our club and the entire scene backing us up at all times. Knowing this, we were confident to host a big event. But let me tell you, it’s getting bigger than we’ve ever dreamed of! Last week we organised a litte promotion meeting to do some photoshoots and filming to promote the event. This was a great succes and we had a lot of fun so what kind of blogger would I be not to share those experiences with you nice folks. Continue reading
#WNGN is coming
Allow me to tell a little story about how we ended up organising a big event like WNGN. It crossed everyone’s minds before to host a big event with Wangan Warriors. We’ve even made plans in the past and worked out ideas to host something bigger than our regular meets. After teaming up with the organisation of DMPD and hosting Wangan meets which were visited by hundreds of people, it was about time to start organising the biggest Japanese static car event possible. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting one of our meets you’ll probably think you have an idea what to expect but let me tell you that we’re aiming higher than your expectations! Continue reading