Tag Archives: wangan


24’s are coming…

We’ve been preparing for another season of madness. 24 hour races are high on our prioritylist to shoot these last couple of years and we’ve got a couple scheduled again so we’re hoping for some nice content in the coming months. Here’s a selection of shots from our Total 24H of Spa 2017 converage! Continue reading


Project Rockin’ Roadster still rocks

Slow projects are still projects. In fact, slow projects are probably the builds with most passion if you ask me. If you’re able to keep a car in your posession without giving in to the temptation of selling all your parts or maybe even the entire car, you’re the right person for that project. I’m talking about Rockin’ Roadster. We’ve given you a couple updates in the past about the progress so I figured is was about time to let you know the latest state of affairs. Continue reading


Dutch Wangan Weaponry – A menacing BCNR33

The Wangan. The Bayshore route. The C1 loop. That one stretch of tarmac that pushes the imagination of those who’ve never been there to its limits. A piece of highway where legends are born and boundaries only exist to be broken. People often ask us why we call ourself Wangan Warriors. Well, see it as an homage to that legendary piece of road in Tokyo because let’s be honest. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, the real 湾岸 is that stretch of black gold in downtown 東京! Continue reading


Hondafest: The expected and unexpected

Our scene is pretty humble, definitely when we’re talking about the Dutch JDM scene. I’m always a bit concerned when big organisations try out something new and pine for it to succeed at first try. A few years ago I visited my first GT-Events organised event and had a better feeling about that day compared to various other events I attended that season. HondaFest was the GT-Events’ first Japanese car oriënted show they set up in 2013. When I started following the event on Facebook I knew Wangan Warriors needed to go and have a look this year. Continue reading


#WNGN a done deal

Individually we can all be damn proud of where we came from whether you’ve worked hard to finish your project, traveled for hours to get to the event, support WNGN with your photography or video skills or inspire people with the style of your car. Collectively I believe we have one hell of an amazing Japanese car scene right now. If I look back to one of the very first meets Wangan Warriors organised, we’ve come a long way. None of that would be possible without so many loyal people surrounding us throughout the years. Continue reading


Car life: A quick visit at Co-OrdSport

Every now and then I’m looking around for cars to shoot and this week I asked Wouter Vallen from Co-OrdSport NL if he had something in mind. I know for a fact that he had some cool cars over at his shop from customers but I had a special request to shoot a GT86 for once. Of course he knows a few people in the scene so he contacted one of his partners at Toyota for me. Continue reading